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Do I Need An IM Consultant?


A Beginner's Guide To Knowing When To Hire An IM Consultant :

  • It takes you more than five minutes to find a document

  • Your organization has never thrown out or deleted any of its information

  • Nobody is in charge of disposing of files that have reached their retention period

  • Most people do not know the difference between an official record or a vital record

  • Most people cannot define the term "official record"

  • Nobody knows what a "retention period" is

  • There are multiple copies of a document and you are unsure which one is the most current

  • There are multiple repositories of information

  • You have boxes of hardcopy information, but no clue what is in the boxes, nor when it might have been created, nor where the box even came from

  • Your industry is regulated

  • Your company gets audited and the thought of these audits makes you break into a cold sweat

  • You have lots of electronic files with extremely vague titles (i.e 2304923048.pdf or folders called "Greg's Stuff")

  • If you are unable to find information that you need, it's not completely clear who you would ask in order to track it down

  • You have lots of hardcopy information in peoples' offices that is undocumented

  • You hate Sharepoint and find it confusing, vague and patently unhelpful

HOPE THIS HELPS! E-mail if your organization hits one or all of these bullet points.

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